Capacity-building on disability and human rights


The project ”Capacity-building on disability and human rights” was the continuation of work done in the DRPI-Portugal project. Three workshops were held in Lisbon and the north and south of the country to further knowledge and monitoring of the Convention and discuss the results of monitoring studies so that recommendations could be made and priority areas could be identified for programmes, policies and revision of legislation.


The project was aimed mainly at disability organisations’ leaders and persons with disabilities, whether or not they were members of these organisations, their families and practitioners working in disability organisations with an interest in these matters.


September to December 2012

Principal Investigator
Paula Campos Pinto

Research team
Fausto Amaro
Maria Engrácia Cardim
Diana Teixeira

Associação de Cegos e Amblíopes de Portugal (ACAPO)
Associação Portuguesa de Deficientes das Forças Armadas (ADFA)
Associação de Pais para a Educação de Crianças Deficientes Auditivas (APECDA)
Associação Portuguesa de Hemofílicos (APH)
Federação Portuguesa das Associações de Surdos (FPAS
Fundação LIGA.

Instituto Nacional para a Reabilitação, I.P.