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FRA | Violence against children with disabilities: legislation, policies and programes in the EU

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The European  Union  Agency  for Fundamental Rights (FRA) carried out research on violence against children with disabilities, focusing on the extent, forms, causes and settings of such violence.

For this research, FRA carried out desk research covering all 28 EU Member States, examining legal and policy provisions addressing violence against children with disabilities, as well as national measures for preventing, and protecting against, this violence.

In addition, individual interviews based on semi-structured questionnaires were conducted with stakeholders from designated bodies of the national frameworks for implementing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

These interviews were carried out in 13 EU Member States: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

Based on its research, FRA believes that policymakers and relevant stakeholders should concentrate their efforts to fight violence against children with disabilities, and to effectively protect them from abuse and exclusion across the EU, on the action areas outlined below.

» Establishing more inclusive child protection systems

» Enhancing the legal and political frameworks for protecting children with disabilities

» Ensuring coordination and appointing a focal point for children with disabilities

» Addressing societal attitudes, promoting diversity and countering isolation

» Promoting child-focused prevention measures and child participation

» Providing family-focused services

» Ensuring inclusive education and participation in all aspects of life on an equal basis with others

» Advancing deinstitutionalisation efforts and strengthening the monitoring of institutions

» Developing targeted tools, allocating adequate resources and improving human resource capacity


For additional information go to FRA - European Union  Agency  for Fundamental Rights



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