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08-09-2015 | United Nations make recommendations to the European Union on the rights of persons with disabilities

08-09-2015 | The UN human rights committee published, on September 4, its concluding observations and recommendations on how the EU can promote and protect the rights of persons with disabilities in Europe in areas such as: freedom of movement, non-discrimination, independent living, education, employment, humanitarian aid and international cooperation, legal capacity, access to justice, liberty and security, health, participation in elections etc.

On 27 and 28 of August, the European Union was examined for the first time by a UN human rights committee in Geneva- the expert committee on the rights of persons with disabilities. Having ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2010, the EU was called to present the work it has done on the implementation of the Convention since then. This is the first international human rights treaty that the EU as a whole has ever ratified.

The EU has a follow-up review in 4 years time. It will have to explain at that moment which steps it has taken to implement the recommendations. The next progress report has to be submitted by January 2019.

Source: European Disability Forum

»» Find the UN’s concluding observations to the EU on the UN’s website.



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