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ECMI | “Not even in the margins: where are Roma with disabilities?”

Report Cover Report Cover

The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) published an online report on conditions for Roma with disabilities, who face multiple discrimination due to ethnicity, disability, gender, and age.  

The study is authored by Michael Szporluk and offers a detailed overview of the Roma Decade and the EU Framework. Specifically focusing on Roma with disabilities, the study highlights the gaps and describes the efforts of some stakeholders to raise awareness about conditions for Roma with disabilities and the discrimination they experience. As a last part of the study, author provides an intersectional analysis of the rights of ethnic minorities in international law.

After brief concluding remarks, the study makes recommendations on what can and needs to be done to protect the rights of Roma with disabilities, reduce their levels of poverty, address gender disparities, and promote inclusion.

Please see the study uploaded on ECMI publications’ database at:





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