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Demographic Indicators of Disability: Results of 2011 Census and Labour Force Survey of Persons with Disabilities - Ad hoc Module

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The National Institute for Statistics (INE) presents the latest indicators on the theme of disability, resulting from the ad hoc module of the Labour Force Survey on persons with disabilities, held in the 2nd half of 2011, and the results of the 2011 Census.

From the analysis of the 2011 Census and the Labour Force Survey for the 2nd half of 2011 on the Employment of Persons with Disabilities, we highlight the main results:

  • About 16% of people between 15 and 64 years had both long-term health problems and difficulties in performing basic activities;

  • About 50% of the elderly population had much difficulty or was unable to perform at least one of the 6 day-to-day activities;

  • 40.5% of the resident population between 15 and 64 years was affected by a health problem or long-term illness;

  • An analysis by employment status indicates that the majority of the employed population did not report health problems or long-term illnesses (62.9%), while 19.6% reported one health problem and 17.5% indicated two or more problems;

  • When problems and difficulties are more severe, the probability of unemployment increases by 7 percentage points for men and between 17 pp and 29 pp for women, compared to the situation of their same sex peers with no problems or difficulties.

© ODDH Disability and Human Rights Observatory