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Almost 450 persons with disabilities alone and without dignity in Portugal

01-07-2015 -They are in a situation of vulnerability, alone, without a minimum of human dignity, without access to basic social services and without seeing respected rights of citizenship. There are at least 447 persons in this situation in Portugal. But it is estimated that would be much more. These persons are victims of domestic and sexual violence, neglect and exploitation. The first figures were collected only in four months by police authorities.


“Portugal has made advances in law, with the publication of some diplomas that enshrine Human Rights foreseen at the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which Portugal signed and ratified. But after, in the application of this principles and norms, there are a great distance”, said to RTP Paula Campos Pinto, coordinator of the Disability and Human Rights Observatory, at School for Social and Political Sciences / University of Lisbon.

The Observatory (ODDH) in partnership with the Portuguese national funding agency for science, research and technology did a monitoring study of the Human Rights of persons with disabilities in Portugal, published in July 2014.

The research about the monitoring of the rights of persons with disabilities in Portugal, was made from the analysis of 60 in-depth-interviews to persons with disabilities, with ages between 12 and 70 years old, from three regions (Lisbon, North and South) and evaluation of the disability public policies in Portugal.

“In the majority of the situations people report violation or denial of human rights, in various areas, since education where there are a lack of human and material resources in  inclusive schools; in the labor market, where people continue to have difficulties, people with disabilities are seen as incapable and not as competent; at the independent living, where there is a lack of support in relation to the transports, accessibilities and personalized support” said the researcher Paula Campos Pinto.

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